Goals of a Retail Store Owner
- Find the best possible solutions for stock and service items to keep their businesses running efficiently.
- Manage their locations while exploring new avenues for increasing their profit margins and saving on overhead costs.
- Discover new and innovative products or services that consumers will be eager to purchase and utilize.
- With only so much time, resources, and support, these criteria are rarely met, which is detrimental to their overall business.
Empowering Industry Growth and Community Prosperity
The Mission of AATAC is to Represent the Industry and to Assist Retail Members in Increasing Their Effectiveness and Profitability by
- Providing knowledge, solutions, and connections needed by the industry.
- Fostering productive, efficient relationships with industry suppliers, distribution lines, and our partners.
- Recommend only the best products and services to our members.
- Provide an avenue to increase the purchasing power of all members within the entire AATAC network.
- Allow partner companies to interact with the actual decision-makers!
- And much more!!!
The AATAC Financial Project
This is an endeavor that our industry has never seen before. Our project incorporates an array of resources that this association has worked diligently to secure over the span of several years in order to be able to begin financing projects that will help not only our store-owner members but also the partner companies we rely on to provide quality products and services to us.
As part of our commitment to help ensure the prosperity of our communities, AATAC is proud to announce our partnership with our international charity of choice: