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PMAA to Honor Gilligan

ARLINGTON, Va. – Petroleum Marketers Association of America President Emeritus Dan Gilligan has been selected to receive PMAA’s highest honor, the Distinguished Service Award (DSA). The group will present the award at a luncheon held in his honor on October 11, 2015, in Las Vegas.

Tennessee marketer David Adcox, who served as chairman of the 2015 DSA Committee, said the committee was unanimous in wanting Gilligan to be the recipient this year.

“Dan has devoted so much of himself to PMAA over the past 17 years, we wanted to make sure he got the award while the decision was in our hands,” said Adcox. Serving on the committee with David were Jimm Cross, Cross Petroleum Inc.; Bill Herdrich, Herdrich Petroleum Inc.; Chris Newton, Texas Food & Fuel Association; Larry Ray, R.P.C. Inc.; and Tommy Thompson, Thompson Energy LLC.

Gilligan was named president of PMAA in July 1998 and immediately focused on invigorating the role of state trade associations in the advancement of PMAA goals and objectives.

Prior to joining PMAA, he had a diverse career in association management and government relations. From 1976 through 1986, Gilligan worked as a statehouse lobbyist, where he developed an understanding of the policy differences between state and national interests. In 1986, he moved to Washington, D.C., to serve as CEO of a national federation of state associations, which gave him the foundation to strengthen PMAA as a federation.

“I am very humbled and honored to have been selected to receive the Distinguished Service Award. Over the past 17 years, I have witnessed some really great industry leaders get the award and I am proud to be associated with all of them.” Gilligan said.


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Located on the front page of our national website is a field called “Question Of The Day” (QOD). Each day we post a different question about the products and services that are presented through our website. The answer to this question can be found on one of our partner’s web pages. Our members will navigate through the preferred vendors page to find the answer to your question while subconsciously educating themselves about your company! AATAC effectively selects members who answer the question correctly to win rewards which include; rebates, complimentary services, cash, promotional offers from vendors, prizes, giveaways, etc. *Your QOD should be 1-2 sentences in length and can not name a specific product or company within the question. 

Here are some examples:

Which preferred vendor offers your customers a 99% accurate drug test that reads results in five minutes?  

One of our partner’s provides important compliance training classes in a virtual setting for a low cost. Who is it?


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  1. It tells them that your company has been vetted and approved for business within our network. 
  2. It encourages them to visit your website where they can learn more about your company. 



